Sunday 22 September 2013

Amazing Grace (How sweet the taste)

Amazing grace how sweet the taste
That kissed this wretched face
I once was lost; a mangy stray
And now His table saves my place

I lift my head to see my masters face, expecting shame
Instead there's only mercy pouring down like waterfalls and raindrops

And it was was grace that taught my heart
The weight of sin and death
And grace that fear with love replaced
As lungs fill fresh with Holy breath

I lift my eyes to find my sinners fate, expecting blame
In place an empty tomb where sin was laid to rest and glory waiting

Through many dangers toils and snares
I scarcely find myself
And grace has found herself a muse
I gladly let her write my song

I lift my face to meet my loves embrace, expecting hurt
Instead He tells me all about his plans and how he missed our closeness

When I've been there a thousand years
Of bathing in the glory
I can't express the tenderness
That this poor frame cannot endure

I lift my voice to cry and sing the brand new song I'm full
With joy unspeakable and full of hope and faith and love forever

Amazing grace how sweet the sound

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